Comments for Wonkhe Home of the higher education debate Sat, 15 Jun 2024 02:03:18 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Everyone can play a role in changing the perception of international students by Tracy Wiley Sat, 15 Jun 2024 02:03:18 +0000 As the parent of a child the left the US to study on the UK, I can tell you first hand that it was one of the hardest, and best, decisions that we ever made. By learning in an environment very different than her home country, she has broadened her view of society and been able to understand how she can positively impact both countries in way not limited by either culture. Being exposed to the viewpoints and opinions, has allowed fully realize the potential she has to contribute to the community and society she chooses to live in.

Comment on General election manifestos 2024: Plaid Cymru (the Party of Wales) by nf2dca819db6867 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 10:13:07 +0000 In reply to OJD.

“Plaid is critical of spending money to send the brightest young people out of Wales, so this would be reform to get young people to stay at Welsh unis.” Plaid would rather keep the money in Wales, OK, but by doing so would restrict the most able from achieving their potential, not so good. As an English alumnus of Prifysgol De Cymru such a restrictive approach won’t improve the lot of Welsh students.

Comment on General election manifestos 2024: Labour by nf2dca819db6867 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 10:03:05 +0000 In reply to Think Twice.

I wouldn’t be so sure, the ‘blue wave’ that breached the ‘red wall’ may have receded as the blue Tories have proven themselves to have been just as bad as the red tories on key issues to many, but other parties may well overwhelm both sides of the shitehall mandarin approved Uni-party.

Comment on Staff-student relationships should be banned, not managed by nf2dca819db6867 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 09:53:37 +0000 Revisiting this following some discussion with my local UCU branch sec. as members had put forward a motion for a TOTAL BAN that was stopped dead by quoting Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, adults in consensual relationships are most certainly protected. The big issue is often with relationships between Post-grad’s and Academic supervisors, where the established, with the tenured Academic and the Post-grad break-up taking on a different dynamic, that said I knew a Post-grad who shagged her way through virtually all her departments senior and not so senior academics, married or not, so it’s not always a one way street.

Comment on HESA Spring 2024: Graduate Outcomes by PJ Fri, 14 Jun 2024 07:57:35 +0000 Thanks for this insightful article. Please note that the SOC coding is four years old – a new version, SOC2020, was published in 2020.

Comment on General election manifestos 2024: Labour by Think Twice Fri, 14 Jun 2024 07:35:43 +0000 The most disappointing of all the manifestos because obviously Labour will soon govern with a huge majority. The party have no plan to fix University funding. Complete reneging on promises to abolish tuition fees, reduce loan repayments, and to restore maintenance grants. No commitments to international students. Oh, and in case Jim is reading, nothing on Sharia law and interest payments either :).

Comment on There’s a major problem with post-pandemic nursing – and it’s students who could suffer by Jay Thu, 13 Jun 2024 19:34:06 +0000 How are students expected to complete extra placement hours when they attend university that is away from home? Student accommodation is not available after July. So they have to move to other accommodation with all the stress, hassle and cost that involves. The extra accommodation and moving costs add up to £1200 for staying one extra month. Student nurses at the end of their 3 years are depleted of money and all they want to do is actually get paid for once. They have already worked over 2000 hours for no pay!
It is time for nurses to be given degree apprenticeships and for them
to be paid for their hard work.

Comment on General election manifestos 2024: Plaid Cymru (the Party of Wales) by OJD Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:51:28 +0000 Seren Network is very much a Labour thing, not Plaid. It was created by Lord Murphy to get Welsh young people into Oxbridge, then it shifted into getting them into a Rusell Group.

Plaid is critical of spending money to send the brightest young people out of Wales, so this would be reform to get young people to stay at Welsh unis.

Seren is very much a Labour-created policy

Comment on A manifesto for higher education from an academic perspective by James Whitley Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:45:16 +0000 I agree with this wholeheartedly. That not money spent on Big Shiny Buildings is squandered is a tacit admission that most of it has been.

Comment on Public First polls policies and salience by nf2dca819db6867 Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:56:52 +0000 “The “low quality” discourse plays very well with the over 55s but is net unpopular among younger voters (18-35) and labour voters. But, most, notably, it is particularly popular with parents of children above school age. The bank of mum and dad appear to be unimpressed with the courses they may be supporting their children through.” Unsurprising really, many potential s-too-dense have bought into the ‘right of passage’ narrative, but don’t want to work hard for their degree or have the ability/qualifications to undertake a ‘hard’ degree course. Which is also probably why “apprenticeships are hugely popular (though less so among the young)” as they require work, and a degree of ability too.

Comment on There are too many students at university. But not for the reasons some say by nf2dca819db6867 Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:36:52 +0000 Looking at the numbers, and your analysis, it would seem Universities are now stuck with a situation they cannot do much, if anything, to change. The disabled student responses come as no surprise, especially where their social lives are concerned, many extra curricular activities organised by student cubs and societies are for the able bodied/minded, unless sufficient disabled students, and staff, get involved that won’t change, no matter how many ED&I courses organisers are mandated to attend, from direct experience mandated ED&I courses actually turn potential allies off into antagonists.

Comment on How to get the sector through the next year by Julian Gravatt Wed, 12 Jun 2024 22:50:50 +0000 PS. And, despite having a £750 million budget, the deals based approach described above cut the English college restructuring cost to less than £450 million between 2016 and 2019

Comment on How to get the sector through the next year by Julian Gravatt Wed, 12 Jun 2024 22:46:56 +0000 There are precedents for Option 4 in the English college sector. Back in November 2015, HMT made £750 million available to DfE to assist with college restructuring. There were several aspects to this support:

1. The budget was available from 2016 to 2019, after which the college insolvency laws would take effect (though in the event they’re only been used twice).

2. The money was tightly controlled via an application process following the nationwide programme of area reviews. Each deal was signed off by a new funding agency restructuring unit of secondees, an external committee (with not much expertise in colleges), the Education secretary, HMT officials and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury.

3. The plan was that DfE loans should be the main form of support but, in the event, many of the deals involved DfE grants to pay off bank loans. Each deal was individual, with an affordability calculation.

4. The five levels of approval meant that most deals took 9-12 months to complete, resulting in high spending on professional fees. The first deals agreed in 2017 had tougher terms than the last ones signed off in spring 2019.

The HE Restructuring Regime announced in summer 2020 had several features borrowed from this FE regime but was, apparently, only used once.

The high cost of market exit (redundancies, pension cessation, damage to sector reputation if creditors aren’t paid, negative local economic impact) makes it likely a future government will choose a targeted form of support that keeps an institution alive (perhaps via a rescue merger or downsizing on a standalone basis with property sales providing funding) in preference to other options.

Comment on Students are turning to self-employment to fund their studies by Maggy Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:43:08 +0000 Could it please be made clear in this article that the conditions of a Student Visa forbid any kind of self-employment, see

Comment on Oxford college admissions data by nf2dca819db6867 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:16:43 +0000 FSM is a difficult measure, but it can be an illustrative one, as a school Governor with a very high FSM percentage in the past there’s other measures that can show FSM isn’t the only factor. Going back to the 70’s I turned down a sponsored Oxford place knowing I was from an area that wasn’t considered to be normal for Oxbridge students and I simply wouldn’t have fitted in, even though I wasn’t a FSM recipient as my father was a company director/managing director, students may still make the same ‘will I fit in’ choice? As my experience visiting Oxford several years later proved to me I’d made the right choice, civil service and MoD recruitment my prefer Oxbridge, but though many employers have been learning a degree doesn’t guarantee ability attending the ‘right’ college might mean your worse than useless compared to a ‘lessor’ university graduate.

Comment on General election manifestos 2024: The Conservative and Unionist Party by Dr Mark Wilsher Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:13:29 +0000 “Courses that […] leave students worse off than had they not gone to university will be prevented from recruiting students by the universities regulator.”

So that’s most creative arts courses, as well as English, Philosophy, agriculture, languages, psychology, history & biosciences. Hmmmm.

Comment on Defunding BTECs could cause HE participation to fall off a cliff by Steve W Wed, 12 Jun 2024 09:17:31 +0000 Would like to hear from some universities that have significant BTEC intakes and what it might mean for the students and the provider. Yes BTEC qualified students may withdraw more often but it might be the only way they have a chance at university education and at 18 they are adults who should be given the choice (and yes do we need to present the facts about completion rates to them). Subsidised private vs. public funded educators might be a relevant UK debate but lets first think of the people affected and what is best for them.

It is for universities to judge entry standards and to provide support where they accept students who may be at significant risk of non-completion. Universities be expected to compensate for 14 years of school/FE education but they can increasingly id students at risk and provide help.

I have not seen any analysis that shows that a move to T levels will restrict numbers and constrict choice but would be interested to be pointed to some? So I am a little unsure of the basic premiss of the article but completely sure we should be thinking of the marvellously varied people we label as “students” and how they access the best routes through education.

Comment on General election manifestos 2024: the Liberal Democrats by Get Real Tue, 11 Jun 2024 21:36:05 +0000 Without a credible solution to higher education funding, we are headed for continental levels of enrolment and attrition. And the Lib Dems in this context talk about a “statutory duty of care”?? Come off it. Most Universities will barely know the names of their students as the students to staff ratio rockets.

Comment on Traditional HE role classifications create structural inequalities for third space professionals by SFHEA Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:53:39 +0000 As a 3rd space professional who has just finished their Senior Fellowship application on the 2011 descriptors- it was hard work! Glad to see growing conversations around the challenges of working in the space, as well as a positive change in the new framework descriptors.

Comment on General election manifestos 2024: the Liberal Democrats by Linda Greening Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:30:16 +0000 I don’t think that any manifesto will have over-whelming content on HE but this might just win because it has more than the other parties?… I do support the ideas of a) maintenance grants for disadvantaged students and b) the “statutory duty of care” for students, to include a statutory Student Mental Health Charter.

Comment on Oxford college admissions data by Big or small Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:27:38 +0000 “If one were forced to criticise, the proportions entering with FSM eligibility are tiny…” Really? It’s actually striking that Oxford, according to their report, admitted 178 students in the latest reported cycle. Considering how few FSM students achieve 3 A grades or better at A-level (the minimum entry requirement), the actual intake must be very close to the maximum. A decade or so ago, nationally the number of FSM students in this category was 165 or so. When you consider what the average entry tariff is in higher education, the difference between Oxford (8% FSM) and the sector as a whole (13% FSM) looks small. You might actually expect the sector average to be much higher than 13%.

Comment on Traditional HE role classifications create structural inequalities for third space professionals by Mr Third Space Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:02:40 +0000 The fact that we’re 20 years on from when Whitchurch started to address the ‘third space’ and still referring to it as a ‘third space’ and those who work in it as ‘third space professionals’ is testament to how slow the HE sector is to fully adopt change. I agree that HESA should be be seeking to add a new categorisation, but institutions should also be pushing for this kind of change.

Comment on General election manifestos 2024: the Liberal Democrats by Why vote Tue, 11 Jun 2024 07:57:39 +0000 Very underwhelming.

Comment on Traditional HE role classifications create structural inequalities for third space professionals by An Other Tue, 11 Jun 2024 07:12:52 +0000 Part of the root course is well known but not discussed publicly much for obvious reasons. The Advance HE schemes are controlled by a smallish cabal of the same old faces. If you bend the knee, then you have a good chance. Third space professionals don’t get to network in the same way so cannot be recruited and thus will struggle because they don’t realise how it actually works.

I was astonished when a colleague got an NTF off his thin profile. It all became clear when it turned out his neighbours were part of the assessment process and of course knew what was in their application.

I was told by various people involved in the scheme, I had no chance and not to bother as I was not respectful enough to the right people.

Comment on It’s time to dismantle higher education’s stereotypes by Teknik Informatika Tue, 11 Jun 2024 01:24:23 +0000 How do these metrics relate to student satisfaction and graduate outcomes?

Comment on Defunding BTECs could cause HE participation to fall off a cliff by Sceptic Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:09:06 +0000 In reply to Gavin Moodie.

Agree – and this article, by the Chair of said profit making organisation, neglects to mention the fact the vast majority of people studying BTECs don’t end up progressing into their chosen fields and the drop out rate in HE is hugely increased compared to other qualifications…

Comment on A manifesto for higher education from an academic perspective by Thomas Butts Mon, 10 Jun 2024 19:47:16 +0000 This is a magnificent article, and shall be going up on the wall of our medical school. I could not agree more wholeheartedly.

Comment on Unless universities get on top of defence policy, defence policy is going to get on top of them by Francis Cooper Mon, 10 Jun 2024 14:48:55 +0000 Call me old fashioned, but I tend to think university research should focus on making the world a nicer place to live rather than on finding bigger and quicker ways for governments to kill their enemies. Beat swords into ploughshares and all that.

Comment on Transparency is better a better tool than regulation to improve the work of international agents by Justin Woods Mon, 10 Jun 2024 12:04:39 +0000 Oh Louise, this is far too idealistic a notion, pipedream if you will. UK HEIs have ample opportunity to publicly disclose figures and remain transparent. However, in a world where education is a commodity and the bottom line of a University rests on international student enrolments, voluntarily giving away part of your “secret recipe of herbs and spices” is ceding any competitive advantage one has. Regulation, and enforcement of disclosure, is the only way this will get off the ground. We have spent far too long with the ‘please, for the greater good’ narrative, now it’s time to make it happen and enable the sector to credibly protect itself from future, potentially harmful, intervention – even if it doesn’t yet see it that way itself.

Comment on The astropolitics of higher education by Greg Mon, 10 Jun 2024 10:25:49 +0000 Astropolitics tells us that whoever controls the Moon controls the Earth’s orbits, and whoever controls the Earth’s orbits controls the Earth.
