Comments on: A history of Data Futures Home of the higher education debate Wed, 15 May 2024 18:56:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: MD Wed, 15 May 2024 18:56:26 +0000 In reply to David Ealey.

I suspect issues may arise because providers have become increasingly dependent on HESA to generate what they consider ‘management information’, but relatively little is based on internally generated data (e.g. processing). It’s only return compilers who have to cobble that together into a ‘valid’ return, for HESA to enrich and provide to data customers, to populate their data warehouses and dashboards.

I suggested HESA share their derived data after introduction of the old Student Return in 2007/8, and ‘HESA Core Data’ has been provided since 2008/9. That made the Student Return an annual source of validated and enriched data for internal data customers, not just statutory ones. But it’s created a co-dependency and consensus among data customers to shift as much reporting burden as possible to the Student Return that produces enriched data for them — the conventional wisdom for a decade.

That’s why a reliable data return to a competent statistics agency that added value to data has bloated into an a perpetual funding return (orbiting around a model Session Year), with JISC as the new Designated Data Body. Designed to carry any new reporting burden data customers may have, where compilers must respond to every auto-generated query fired at them. The links in the article suggest this was all baked into HEDIIP’s vision for an auto-querying, multi-period return to carry everyone else’s reporting burden in 2016, and confirmed in OfS requirements in 2020 (Annex C: 3, 8. & 9.)

By: Johnny Rotten Return Tue, 14 May 2024 20:31:14 +0000 Don’t be told what you want
Don’t be told what you need
There’s no (data) future…

By: David Ealey Mon, 13 May 2024 12:18:21 +0000 One of the unfortunate outcomes of the whole 22/23 Data Futures fiasco is that a lot of people have ended up holding the DF data in tables on their system that are separate from their main data. Whilst this has always been the way that many systems work, what almost certainly happened in 22/23 was that more data was manually updated in these HESA tables to get returns through. There is then a greater difference between the HESA data and the data that the institution is using to manage its students, which raises issues with internal reporting and comparisons to published data.
So we are actually getting further away from the principles that the HEDIIP programme operated on.
