Image: Shutterstock The wider impact of election promises on “poor quality” courses by David Kernohan Data 3/06/24 2
Image: Shutterstock Student number controls for “poor quality courses” are coming by David Kernohan Comment 17/07/23 17
OfS has updated a bunch of its dashboards - can the regulation keep up? OfS has updated a bunch of its dashboards – can the regulation keep up? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 12/04/23
Image: Shutterstock OfS dashboards usher in a new era of regulation by David Kernohan Policy Watch 30/09/22 1
Image: Shutterstock Is OfS interested in extracurricular activity or not? by Jim Dickinson Comment 9/08/22
Image: Shutterstock OfS responds on B3, TEF, and indicator construction by David Kernohan Policy Watch 27/07/22 4
Image: Shutterstock OfS needs to work on building trust over its plans for regulation of quality by Alex Bols Comment 16/03/22 1
Image: Shutterstock How have the TEF and the B3 bear landed in universities? by Jim Dickinson Analysis 16/03/22 1
Image: Shutterstock The B3 bear returns to hunt down Mickey Mouse (courses) by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 20/01/22 11
Image: Shutterstock How OfS will construct indicators for regulation by David Kernohan Long read 20/01/22
Image: Shutterstock OfS consults on minimum outcomes in every subject – as the B3 bear hunts down Mickey Mouse by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 17/11/20 5
Image: Shutterstock The Office for Students loses in court – with major implications for the sector by Jim Dickinson Analysis 14/08/20 3
Image: Shutterstock The B3 bear is coming out of hibernation to close your low value provision by Jim Dickinson Comment 6/07/20 1
Image: Shutterstock Are student number controls coming back to English higher education? by Jim Dickinson Analysis 24/02/20 1
Image: Shutterstock The B3 moonwalking bear: OfS on minimum outcomes for students by Jim Dickinson Analysis 1/11/19 2