Universities UK on graduate outcomes Universities UK on graduate outcomes by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 29/05/24 3
A new salary metric is found in the trash A new salary metric is found in the trash by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 24/05/24 2
What the QS-UUKi polling tells us about the Graduate route What the QS-UUKi polling tells us about the Graduate route by Michael Salmon Wonk Corner 23/05/24
What else is in UUK's "first in family" survey data? What else is in UUK’s “first in family” survey data? by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 17/04/24
Image: Shutterstock To universities students could be an asset, not just a cost by Louise Nicol Comment 13/03/24 3
Image: Shutterstock There is still an unacceptable gap in employment outcomes for disabled graduates by Claire Toogood Comment 28/02/24 2
We need more graduates, just not that sort and not there We need more graduates, just not that sort and not there by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 6/12/23
Public sector work and the graduate premium Public sector work and the graduate premium by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 28/11/23 2
Image: Shutterstock The Graduate route is about human stories, not just numbers by Jim Campbell Comment 27/11/23
Are around half of graduates really not in graduate jobs? Are around half of graduates really not in graduate jobs? by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 13/11/23 2
Balls, SOCs, chickens, eggs, and graduate jobs Balls, SOCs, chickens, eggs, and graduate jobs by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 1/11/23 3
Image: Norland College Whatever TEF says, progression as it stands is a flawed measure of quality by Mandy Edmond Analysis 2/10/23 6
Image: IKON Using non-financial data to find fulfilment in graduate outcomes by Tej Nathwani Data 19/09/23
The impact of personal characteristics and industry on graduate earnings The impact of personal characteristics and industry on graduate earnings by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 7/07/23
Image: Shutterstock Why everyone has their own graduate outcomes metric by Ben Cooper Comment 31/05/23 3
Image: Kingston University London Even dance degrees are valuable by Eleanor McCarthy Comment 30/05/23 6
OfS has updated a bunch of its dashboards - can the regulation keep up? OfS has updated a bunch of its dashboards – can the regulation keep up? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 12/04/23
Image: Shutterstock Searching for the right frame for student experience by Debbie McVitty Comment 13/02/23 4
Image: Shutterstock Apprenticeship progression could be a model for all of higher education by Darryll Bravenboer Comment 6/02/23
Where do graduates live (Census 2021 edition) Where do graduates live (Census 2021 edition) by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 10/01/23
Are graduates happier when they return home to work after study? Are graduates happier when they return home to work after study? by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 29/11/22
Image: Shutterstock Why employment quality is important in graduate data by Tej Nathwani Comment 3/11/22 1
Image: Shutterstock Local graduates with local jobs are great for levelling up by Laura Dorian Comment 5/07/22
Image: IKON Students who lead and serve other students have better outcomes by Laura Guiver Analysis 10/06/22 3
Image: Shutterstock Assessment can have a big impact on graduate employability by Jade Underwood Comment 17/02/22 3
Changes to Graduate Outcomes fees for providers Changes to Graduate Outcomes fees for providers by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 20/01/22
Image: Shutterstock Careers 2032: coming together to prepare for the next decade of university careers support by Clare Adams Comment 6/12/21 1
Image: IKON Stuck inside of mobility with the access blues again by David Kernohan Analysis 24/11/21 3
wonkhe-black-graduates Universities have a key role in ensuring that Black Careers Matter by Tristram Hooley Comment 12/10/21
Image: Shutterstock Moving the graduate story beyond employment by Catherine Turner Comment 27/09/21 9
Image: Shutterstock Tales from a strange year – Graduate Outcomes 2018-19 by David Kernohan Data 28/07/21 6
Image: Shutterstock Graduate recruitment – short-term setbacks or long-term scars? by Gabi Binnie Comment 26/07/21
How did the pandemic affect Graduate Outcomes? How did the pandemic affect Graduate Outcomes? by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 20/07/21
Image: Shutterstock Every graduate should have the chance of a decent job by David Kernohan Analysis 8/06/21 1
Image: Shutterstock Post pandemic, the sector needs to get to work on employment for students and graduates by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 18/05/21
The problem of graduate jobs and odd SOCs The problem of graduate jobs and odd SOCs by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 29/04/21
Image: Ikon Checking privilege in the graduate labour market – can universities make a difference? by Debbie McVitty Comment 8/03/21 4
Image: Shutterstock What happens next? Enhancing the employability of disabled graduates by Gabi Binnie Comment 23/02/21
Image: IKON Do local industries need local skills? And do universities deliver? by David Kernohan Data 15/02/21 2
Image: Shutterstock Technology can help every graduate find the job of their dreams by Clare Adams Comment 1/02/21 1
Image: Shutterstock What might the graduate labour market look like in 2021? by Charlie Ball Analysis 7/12/20 1
Image: Shutterstock The further adventures of the UK’s worst higher education courses by David Kernohan Data 30/11/20 4
Image: Shutterstock OfS consults on minimum outcomes in every subject – as the B3 bear hunts down Mickey Mouse by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 17/11/20 5
Image: Shutterstock Graduate “overeducation” isn’t as simple to spot as you might think by David Kernohan Policy Watch 10/07/20 4
Image: Shutterstock What can Graduate Outcomes tell us about structural inequality? by Rosalind Lowe Comment 29/06/20