Image: Shutterstock What we found out digging into data on gender-based violence and harassment on campus by Anna Bull Long read 11/12/23
Image: IKON The last thing that students need is less regulation by Jim Dickinson Long read 18/09/23 2
Image: Midjourney How franchising higher education became big business by Jim Dickinson Long read 12/06/23 6
Image: Shutterstock Reflecting on a decade of higher education policy and politics – and looking ahead by Alistair Jarvis Long read 21/05/23 2
Image: Shutterstock Labour should be bold on research and development by James Coe Long read 23/09/22
Image: Shutterstock Is it time to think again about student number controls? by David Kernohan Long read 14/03/22 4
Image: IKON What did ministers intend on quality and standards? by David Kernohan Long read 7/03/22 2
Image: Shutterstock Previously on… value, quality, and teaching excellence policy and politics by Debbie McVitty Long read 24/01/22 2
Image: Shutterstock How OfS will construct indicators for regulation by David Kernohan Long read 20/01/22
Image: IKON How did universities come to be involved in research? by David Kernohan Long read 13/12/21 1
Image: Shutterstock For the LLE to work we need to get serious about student identifiers by David Kernohan Long read 28/11/21 1
wonkhe-university-plan Starting universities for political gain by David Kernohan Long read 14/11/21 12
Image: Shutterstock ARPA, ARIA, defence, and innovation: when research goes to war by David Kernohan Long read 16/03/21 1
Image: Shutterstock It’s census time, and the sector has an important role to play by David Kernohan Long read 1/03/21
Image: Shutterstock From footwear to strategic funding – the curious world of subject-level data by David Kernohan Long read 25/01/21 1
Image: Shutterstock Seven things the HE sector learned in 2020 – and what universities should prepare for in 2021 by Debbie McVitty Long read 21/12/20 1
Image: Shutterstock Universities must address the oversupply of courses by David Roberts Long read 23/11/20 5
Image: Shutterstock Did the 2010 fees demo make any difference at all? by Aaron Porter Long read 9/11/20 7
Image: Shutterstock To decolonise creative writing, you need to embrace its activist history by Tré Ventour Long read 3/10/20
00024580 If we must reopen campuses, we musn’t waste them on teaching by Jim Dickinson Long read 9/07/20 11
Image: IKON Merging universities forcibly: a Cooke and Bull story by David Kernohan Long read 18/05/20 5
Image: Ikon SAGE shows that public trust in science is as live a question as ever by Debbie McVitty Long read 13/05/20 3
Image: Shutterstock What can be done about degree algorithm variations? by David Allen Long read 20/02/20 22
WNWzprog-1536x1024 When did decent student housing become a “luxury”? by Jim Dickinson Long read 10/12/19
Image: Nathan Fischer The signal and the noise: Nate Silver, Bayesian methods and higher education by Graeme Wise Long read 14/10/19
Image: Shutterstock Would a cap and trade mechanism control student numbers? by Iain Mansfield Long read 12/07/19 6
Image: Shutterstock The education policy trap: will the Augar review avoid the mistakes of the past? by Mark Leach Long read 26/05/19 5
Image: Shutterstock The Liberal Democrats and tuition fees: lessons for the Conservatives today by Chris Butler Long read 17/04/19 4
Image: Shutterstock Letter from Australia: The confected crisis by Julie Hare Australia, Long read 8/04/19 1
Image: Shutterstock Being digital natives won’t protect students from online abuse by Emma Bond Long read 5/04/19 2
Image: Shutterstock A brief history of plagiarism and technology by David Kernohan Long read 20/03/19 8
Image: Shutterstock Silver tortoises will help us to narrow the gender pay gap by Paul Boustead Comment, Long read 8/03/19 4
Image: Shutterstock The universal basic research grant: funding research for the 21st century by David Payne Long read 12/02/19 3
Image: Shutterstock The complex web of freedom of speech guidance by Jim Dickinson Analysis, Long read 2/02/19 1
Image: IKON The fiscal illusion has gone – but what has replaced it? by Andrew McGettigan Analysis, Long read 17/12/18 5
Image: Shutterstock Protect and survive: the story of Student Protection Plans by Jim Dickinson Long read 26/11/18 1
Image: Shutterstock The strange tale of the University of London Bill by David Kernohan Long read 26/07/18
Image: IKON Begone, fiscal illusions: understanding student loans in the national deficit by Andrew McGettigan Long read 18/07/18 2
Image: Shutterstock UK degree algorithms: the nuts and bolts of grade inflation by David Allen Long read 16/07/18 10
Image: IKON Universities should take back control of the VfM agenda by Jim Dickinson Long read 4/06/18 2
Image: Ikon Seven things we have learned from the launch of UKRI’s strategy by James Wilsdon Long read 16/05/18 2
Image: IKON After the goldrush: 30 years of teaching quality enhancement by David Kernohan Long read 11/05/18 5
Image: IKON Is there something rotten in this state of Denmark? Reflections on change and the human side of the HE enterprise by Robin Middlehurst Long read 23/04/18 1
Image: Shutterstock Edited by Wonkhe. Why are so many HE agencies in the south west? by Catherine Boyd Long read 5/04/18 8
Image: IKON The Enemy Within – why the narrative about universities and students went so wrong by Mark Leach Long read 9/03/18 9
hefce-logo-large-wonkhe HEFCE history: The early days of widening participation by John Selby Long read 5/03/18 2
Image: Shutterstock Eight category mistakes in the debate around the funding review by Mark Leach Long read 18/02/18 12
Image: Shutterstock Assessing David Willetts’s university education by David Morris Long read 27/11/17 2
Image: IKON Anywhere to Somewhere: the achievement society and its discontents by David Morris Long read 10/04/17 11
fishsing-ucas-wonkhe-small The HE market for hopes and dreams: UCAS on results day by David Morris Long read 23/08/16